We only have one planet earth… there is no planet B

About three years ago I was accidentally faced with this content really deliberately. We where moving to our new flat and I had to clear out all our staff. But suddenly there where lots of trash bags filled with uncountable plastic bottles of bodylotion, hair conditioner and all the other beautythings a woman believes she must have. Some of these things I have never used! And now I have to throw them away, because they where too old to use.

And that was the turnig point for me. I have produced a huge heap of plastic rubish for nothing. so I started to change out all the plastic products in my household to sustainable, altenative products. The most plastic things I brought to charity organisations, because I did not wanted to throw them away. Maybe others could use them, an they don´t need to by new plastic stuff.

I started looking for practicable alternatives for some cosmetics, without all the chemical ingredients, about which I never thougt about.

I would be glad, if you follow my blog. I want to share my findings with you. Maybe there are some new ideas, which you can try and maybe you find a better, “greener” alternative for you.

Please feel free and comment below, maybe you can give me some inspiration, what I also can try.

I want to tell you in this blog about my experiences to ban plastic out of my lifestyle and trying to live more sustainable.

Because we only have one planet……

4 thoughts on “We only have one planet earth… there is no planet B

  1. Martina, your blog made me thoughtful. There is only one planet Earth. Austria is taking this issue quite seriously, whereas in India the garbage management is a real disaster. Hope that this blog and your thoughts will be shared thousands of times and people will be motivated to take more care.


  2. Ich war auch überrascht wieviel eigentlich Plastikmüll zusammen kommt als es den Gelben Sack bei uns gab und wir das beim Haus stehen hatten bis es abgeholt wurde … man nimmt so die Menge viel bewusster wahr als wenn man den Müll regelmäßig rausbringen kann zur Sammelstelle


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